Edward Eli Poulton and Alice Ann Worthington owned the Buckhorn Ranch located West of Oakley Idaho. Edward died when Alice was pregnant with her 4th child. When the Indians would come for food, she would send her small children to the fields where they could lay down in the crops as the Indians wanted the children.
She continued to run the ranch raising animals such as cattle, sheep, turkeys and chickens. When it was time to sell cattle she herded them from the Buckhorn Ranch to Burley on horseback to put on the Ferry at the Snake River close to where the Heyburn Burley Bridge is now.
She owned the first car in Oakley. She helped everyone around her. The Buckhorn Ranch has been sold several times over the years. The current owner found the origional title to the Buckhorn Ranch behind some lose rocks in a wall in one of the out buildings and has shared this title with Sonja Parish Tolman. The title has been scanned and put on this blog to share with those who are interested in having a copy as the file is to large to email. This Title contains 60 pages so there are 3 posts. This is the first one:
Page 1 Title Page |
Page 2 Map of Property
Page 3 Warranty Deed
Pg 4 Petition
Pg 5 Appointing Administrator
Pg 6 Affidavit of Posting
Pg 7 Administrators Bond pg 1
Pg 8 Administrators Bond pg 2
Pg 9 Inventory and Appraisement
Pg 10 Inventory and Appraisement pg 2
Pg 11 Creditors Notice
Pg 12 Petition for Distribution
Pg 13 Certificate of Posting-Pg 1
Pg 14 Certificate of Posting-Pg 2
Pg 15 Certificate of Posting-Pg 3
Pg 16 Certificate of Posting-Pg 4
Pg 17 Certificate of Posting-Pg 5
Pg 18 Certificate of Posting-Pg 6
Pg 19 Certificate of Posting-Pg 7
Pg 20 Decee of Distribution-Pg 1
Pg 21 Decee of Distribution-Pg 2
To continue see Post "Buckhorn Ranch Title - Pg 22 through 40"